Prenuptial Agreements Attorney
If you are undecided about hiring a York prenuptial agreements attorney, you may need to consider how a prenup can fit into your estate plan. That’s right – a prenuptial agreement is not only used to decide property distribution in a divorce.
These critical documents, drafted with your York prenuptial agreements lawyer, can actually serve as estate planning directives. Prenuptial agreements are not just limited to wealthy engaged couples, like you see in the movies. In reality, those who own businesses, have significant nonmonetary assets or simply want to provide for their partner’s future can benefit from consulting with a prenuptial agreements attorney of FrancePaskeySwope in York, Pennsylvania.
Family Situations That Necessitate A York Prenuptial Agreements Attorney
After your death, you may assume that your will would dictate how your property is distributed. Say you want to leave some of your property to your spouse, but you are reserving other pieces or assets for children from a previous marriage. In equitable distribution states like Pennsylvania, your spouse could successfully challenge your estate plan, effectively superseding your children’s rights to the property you designated. Your spouse can claim that your jointly held property belongs entirely to them.
With a prenup, you can designate individually held, or separate, property that will be treated specially in your will. You can prevent unfavorable situations with the help of a York prenuptial agreements lawyer.
You are a responsible planner, and you want to make sure that your estate is divided in a specific way. If you fail to plan by using a prenuptial agreements lawyer in York, Pennsylvania, your family could end up in probate court for years. Contesting these estate plans is quite expensive and could actually drain many of the resources you want to distribute among your relatives.
Lower your risk of high probate costs and contentious arguments with a York prenuptial agreements attorney of FrancePaskeySwope. We can help you evaluate your legal options and rights before marriage. Call today at 717-931-5994 or contact us by email.