Forward-Thinking. Bold. Committed.
Attorney Swope, known for being somewhat untraditional, has followed the same course in her career. She takes a relaxed and personable approach with clients while they face some of the toughest matters of their lives. Alexis prioritizes putting a client’s mind at ease and helping them to appropriately set their expectations by thoroughly explaining the court process & rules along with the evidence the court uses and accepts when analyzing a case.
Having spent the vast majority of her career focused in family law litigation, she is no stranger to the courtroom and does thoroughly enjoy the ability to present the story of a case for full review by a Judge. Realizing that there are many moving parts to a case, Alexis strives to keep her clients very involved in their cases as she strategizes the next move considering the impact it will have even a few months later.
The daughter of an attorney, Alexis was raised with the no-nonsense approach of the late Donald B. Swope, Esquire, and uses the same with clients to keep them grounded while still supporting them and their goals.
Ultimately, Alexis’ goal is what is best for her client and their family, whether that be by negotiating a fair settlement or zealously litigating in the courtroom.
Whether you meet her with regard to family law matters, estate planning, or adoption, you’re sure to have a few laughs with Attorney Swope as she genuinely enjoys interacting with her clients.
When not working, Alexis enjoys spending her time with her husband and 4 children, watching documentaries, traveling, seeing live music, and relaxing with friends as she enjoys entertaining others and making them laugh.
Child Custody:
- Negotiation and memorialization of custody agreements into enforceable Court Orders
- Establishing Custody Orders of Children after separation of parents through the use of Custody Conciliation
- Litigation of custody disputes before a Judge for a final determination
- Modification of Custody Orders
- Contempt of Custody Orders
- Presentation and litigation of petitions seeking special relief from the Court
- Grandparent Custody
- Third Party Custody
Child and Spousal Support:
- General establishment of support orders
- Establishing support orders involving:
-->Self-employment income
-->Consideration of mortgage obligations and rental income
-->Consideration and inclusion of private school tuition, childcare expenses, extracurricular activities, and special medical expenses
-->Calculation of earning capacities of underemployed or intentionally unemployed parties
- Modification of support orders
- Termination of support orders
- Appeals of support orders involving:
--> Simple review of errors in calculations, misstated income, falsely provided information considered during calculation of a support order
-->Complex support appeals involving forensic accountants, expert review of a party’s ability to earn, and hidden income
- Filing and finalization of simple, uncontested, no-fault divorces
- Filing and finalization of divorces involving negotiation of settlement agreements as to equitable distribution of marital assets and debts
- Conclusion of equitable distribution disputes by use of binding mediation
- Litigation of contested divorces before Divorce Hearing Officers
- Establishing or defending against alimony
- Assistance with separating retirement and investment assets through equitable distribution
- Assistance to resume prior surname due to divorce
- Establishing paternity of a child via genetic testing by court order
- Disestablishing the presumption of paternity via marriage when the biological father of a child is not the husband of the mother at the time of birth
- Challenges to an individual’s Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity based upon fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact
Name Changes:
- Adult name changes
- Minor name changes both with and without consent of both parents
- Transgender name changes
- Step-parent adoptions
- Relative adoptions
- Non-relative adoptions
- Adoptions by consent
- Adoptions by involuntary termination of parental rights
Estate Planning:
- Simple Last Will & Testaments
- Last Will & Testaments with Trust provisions
- Financial Powers of Attorney
- Healthcare Powers of Attorney / Living Wills
Estate Administration:
- Resolve a decedent’s estate via Last Will & Testament
- Resolving a decedent’s estate without a Last Will & Testament
- Establishment of Guardian of the Estate of a Minor when funds are left to a minor
Practice Areas
- Adoptions
- Family Law
- Name Changes
- Estate Planning
- Estate Administration
- Custody
- Paternity
- Divorce
- Support matters
- Widener University Commonwealth Law School, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Juris Doctorate - 2011
- Central Penn College, Summerdale, Pennsylvania
- B.S. - 2008
- Honors: magna cum laude
- Major: Criminal Justice Administration
Bar Admissions
- Pennsylvania, 2011
- U.S. District Court Middle District of Pennsylvania
Current Employment Positions
- Attorney