Divorce Lawyers
If you are considering divorce, it is time to contact qualified York divorce lawyers. At FrancePaskeySwope we have assisted with hundreds of divorces in Pennsylvania. Enlisting the help of a team of York divorce attorneys can help you protect your assets – and your future – through the divorce process.
Even if you do not think you have many assets to divide, you can benefit from the use of divorce lawyers in York, Pennsylvania. Divorce attorneys are not just for the wealthy. Without the help of these professionals, you could suffer financial difficulties that have a lasting impact on your future. The upfront cost of investing in divorce attorneys in York, Pennsylvania, can pay for itself over and over again if your divorce papers are properly filed.
Your Partners: York Divorce Lawyers From FrancePaskeySwope
The first few days after you choose to file for divorce can be emotionally challenging. It makes sense to take your time, take a few deep breaths and begin to assemble the documents you may need for the court proceedings.
As you begin your journey, our York divorce attorneys advise that you:
- Consider the approach you want to take. How do you want to break the news to your partner? Is this likely to be a contentious divorce or an amicable split? Having a strategy for communicating your needs is critical before you proceed.
- Think about the logistics. Do you have enough money to pay for an apartment or a separate place to stay while you are getting divorced? What is your budget for living expenses and transportation? Take the time to understand your financial health before beginning the divorce process.
- Decide where you want to file the paperwork. This is relevant for couples where one or both of the partners will be moving to a new state.
Making these fundamental decisions before you launch the divorce proceeding will make the courtroom activities smoother. An especially critical choice is your decision to enlist the help of York divorce lawyers of FrancePaskeySwope. Let us put our 20 years of experience to work for you. Contact us now to learn more about our services, by calling 717-931-5994 or by emailing us.