Mr. Han Solo
Attorney Ed Paskey was retained to defend Mr Han Solo on a charge of First Degree Murder at a mock trial (CLE) that was held on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the York County Judicial Center. Attorney Paskey helped to demonstrate how to effectively use technology in state criminal defense courtrooms. In addition, he used Apple TV.
The mock trail was featured on iPhone JD which is one of the oldest and largest websites for lawyers using iPhones and iPads.
The article summarizes the trial and how it highlighted the use of technology in the court room.
As technology continues to grow and evolve, the days of relying on paper products and diagrams on easels are fast becoming antiquated according to Attorney Ed Paskey. He has used Apple TV in both civil and state criminal defense trials. Also, he believes it to be very effective in the courtroom.
Attorney Paskey shared his expertise on courtroom technology in the mock trial where he was retained to defend Mr. Han Solo on a charge of First Degree Murder.
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Finally, to read about “How Han Solo helped end the paper chase for local lawyers” please refer to this article(